
What is LVR?

LVR is a term that is used a lot when it comes to finance. LVR is the Loan to Value Ratio. This ratio is used by lenders when determining how much you can borrow. This ratio allows the lender to determine your risk when it comes to borrowing. The higher the LVR, the higher the…


Never have enough money?

There are times in all of our lives when we have struggled financially. That anxious feeling of not having enough money can overwhelm all of our waking thoughts. So what can you do about it? Beyond the big things like borrowing money or changing jobs, here are a few simple ideas to help you raise…


Where does my money go?

Most of us find ourselves in a situation where all of our money vanishes every pay before we have a chance to enjoy it. The reality of it is, we often have numerous direct debits and subscriptions that eat in to our earnings without us using them. Here are a few that you may be…


Don't change anything – when not to move your home loan

As mortgage brokers, many people think that we are focused on getting you to change your home loan to a different lender. This can mean a long and drawn out process that can take some time. Here at FinanceCorp, we are proud that we do things differently. Our focus is on ensuring you are getting…

Loan calculations on a calculator

Time to review your personal finances

As we enter the final quarter of 2015, now can be a good time to take stock and review how the year has gone and how we are tracking towards our goals. Conducting reviews of many aspects of your life is a good habit to form and doing it quarterly can be a really good…


Getting some extra cash for Christmas

Christmas can really put the finances under pressure as we need to buy presents, attend lots of functions and host meals at our house. All this equals lots of spending and generally there is no more money coming in than at any other time of the year. As well as needing extra money at Christmas,…


Want FinanceCorp at your fingertips?

We are making your life easier. Here at FinanceCorp we have been working hard on a number of products that we know will make your life easier as well as your clients. If you have not downloaded the app yet, make sure you do so NOW. There are so many great features that are designed…


Do you struggle with presents for Christmas?

In our society, we often suffer from the “I have no idea what to buy someone who has everything”. The reality is, you probably don’t need to buy them anything but custom dictates that we need to exchange gifts at Christmas so here are some great ideas to help. If you have children in your…


December – how to make it work!

Christmas has become a month-long celebration these days and not only are there many people to buy for but there are now even more opportunities to spend money. So how on earth do you survive the silly season without breaking the bank? Here are a few tips that you can try out. Plan your diary:…


This Christmas, make time for a family chat

For many of us, we get together with our families over the Christmas period to share some food and exchange gifts. But it can be a good time to sit down and have a chat with your loved ones about some slightly more serious matters. Did you know that most people fail to have conversations…